Wednesday, 3 June 2009

3rd June 2009 - Dinner - French Beans with Potatoes

I love French Beans (Haricots), so I finally purchased a packet of Frozen beans from the SuperMarkt today. They looked surprisingly fresh after dunking them in some warm water and very soft, so it was fun chopping them.

How did it look?

Chopped, ready to be cooked

The final product
  • I added some garlic butter and cheese while cooking the beans and sprinkled some pepper on top.
  • A bit of sugar added at the also helps, and so does something like Neembu-Sat for the sour flavour


  1. looked awesome antariksh..

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i didn't know you could cook so good...the pictures look straight out of some cookery book...completely fab..hope i can taste food made by u some day:
